Proven Methods.
Powerful Strategies.
Years of Results.


Our flagship, full-semester 15-session course preparing students for the next 2025 LA Notary Exam (date TBA). Classes are live, online, and recorded for convenience. Registration for the Summer 2025 course is now open, and classes begin May 20, 2025.

Registration is NOW OPEN!



Our flagship, full-semester course preparing students for the January 11, 2025, LA Notary Exam – available ON DEMAND ONLY! This course, consisting of our Summer, 2024, course materials, is being offered in response to the recent addition of the January, 2025, exam administration, which will be based on the 2024 Study Guide. 

** Do not register for this course if you plan to take the March/ April 2025 LA Notary Exam! **

Registration is NOW OPEN!

  • iCourse is comprehensive.  You will experience LIVE, online classes, all of which are RECORDED.  Further, you will be able to access the classes, supporting documents, practice quizzes and tests, etc., as part of the student 24×7 e-portal.  This keeps a student’s learning experience achievable, measurable, and very organized. Also, there is no need to purchase additional practice materials on Amazon – all practice materials are included in the price of the course!
  • Students will have the security of interacting with the instructor throughout the course.  
  • Can’t be part of the live classes?  No problem!  The class recordings allow you to review classes at your convenience.
  • As always, everything is delivered online.  Students never have to leave the comforts of their own home, office, etc., and they never waste time and money driving to class, even during the live classes.
  • Juridical acts, legal effect language, quizzes, and practice exams leading up to an intensive final designed to help simulate a student’s experience taking the statewide exam are all part of iCourse.  
  • We train students from the basics up to build up their confidence, skill set, and test taking strategies.  Our students range in careers across the spectrum and have included doctors, insurance agents, teachers, school bus drivers, CPAs, government workers, social workers, car dealership employees, paralegals, and the list goes on and on.  
  • BONUS: All students now have access to all online materials for one year from the start date of the course!


Condensed Review format for those preparing for the May/June, 2025, notary examination, consisting of three 3-hour workshops PLUS iNotebook for FREE!


Mortgages and Conveyances

Saturday, April 5, 2025 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  1. Testing Format Reviewed
  2. Implications of previous exams
  3. Types of Mortgages (General, Special, Conventional, Collateral, Chattel, etc.)
  4. Chapter 18–Mortgages: What Everyone Should Know
  5. Executory Process and its Implications
  6. Cash Sales, Credits Sales, Dation en Paiment, Exchanges, Donations, Timber Sales, Partitions
  7. Promissory Notes and Hand Notes: Understanding Key Items
  8. “Shells and Pearls:” Legal Effect Considerations for Juridical Acts Throughout the Study guide
  9. Samples


Wills, Testaments, Trusts, and Successions

Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  1. Understanding key details of the topics at hand.
  2. The Last Will and Testament of “John Q. Public:” Key Implications and Considerations
  3. Sample Trust Language and Model a Answers to the Scenarios in the Study Guide
  4. The Small Succession: Understanding the Details of Chapter 27
  5. Matrimonial Regimes in the Context of Wills, Testaments, Trusts, and Successions
  6. Community Property vs. Separate Property: What Everyone HAS to Know
  7. Mandate and Representation
  8. Property Descriptions
  9. Inter Vivos vs. Testamentary Trusts
  10. Final Test Day Overview



Hundreds of pages of insights, practice questions, scenarios, and much more!


Property Descriptions

Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Be Prepared for Trusts on the LA Notary Exam


Essential LA Notary Exam Preparation

In direct response to the increased focus on the topic of Trusts on the Louisiana Notary Exam, we are now offering an in-depth workshop series focusing exclusively on Trusts


~What's Included~

  • The proper construction of Louisiana Trusts
  • What can and cannot be done with a Trust
  • Authority of Trustees
  • Rights of Beneficiaries
  • How to fund a Trust
  • How a Trust interacts with other juridical acts and constituent wishes
  • How to interact with Trusts in your notarial practice
  • And much more!

The list goes on, and on, and on. Enroll today!


Continuing Education for Existing Notaries


Continuing Notarial Education

Remember, you can be held personally liable for doing things wrong.

When: Saturday, April 13th, 9:00AM-1:00PM Where: Online, Live, AND, Recorded

~Preserve Your Commission~

  • The 2019 version of Fundamentals of Notarial Law and Practice has 40 additional pages of material compared to 2018 alone.
  • Changes and considerations regarding the DMV, conveyances, mortgages, etc., have consistently occurred throughout the year.
  • In 2012, the law changed requiring servient estate property owners to provide right of passage and utility servitudes for dominant estate owners as opposed to only a right of passage.
  • Collateral mortgage laws were relatively static for decades. Then, in 2015, the laws changed with regard to UCC-9 requirements immensely. In fact, the discussion of antichresis is barely found the 2015 study guide for those studying for the notary exam in favor of the UCC-9 changes with relationship to debt instruments securing property.
  • “Small” Successions may not be small. There have been major changes in the law.
  • The complete name of the person assuming tax responsibilities, and not merely title, and, the mailing address of where tax issues should be sent, are required in cash sales.

The list goes on, and on, and on. Enroll today!

Free Informational Session!

As part of our effort to keep notaries informed regarding potential upcoming legislation, we have a free informational session available to all.
Simply click “Login” at the top right hand corner of our website, then use “universal” for the username and “Spring@2019” for the password. You will be able to view the session accordingly. This is a universal login for any and all who wish to view the session.